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An update from Evaneos

What to put in your suitcase when travelling in Rwanda

Bordering Kenya and Tanzania, Rwanda's not a well known tourist destination. Few people embark on a trip to Rwanda. The country lacks infrastructure, so it's in your own interests that you pack well, as you'll have problems picking up supplies once you're there.

As a country that gets scorching hot, it's vital you pack enough lightweight clothes so that you can deal with the extreme heat. Once evening falls, you'll need long sleeved tops and trousers to protect you from blood thirsty mosquitoes. If you plan to go gorilla watching in the jungle, you'll need to protect yourself from the ever-present humidity. Finally, make sure you take a good pair of hiking boots.

As for medical supplies, pack the basics as well as medicines in case you get a tummy bug, plasters alongside an insect repellent.

If you plan to hire a vehicle and tour Rwanda at your own pace, you'll need to have an International Drivers Licence. You should also take a photocopy of your passport. You'll need it case you lose the original. Taking a debit/credit card is easier than travelling around with traveller's cheques. Finally, don't forget your camera/camcorder and enough memory sticks, so that you can immortalise your trip and show off your gorilla spotting photos to your friends and family.

Be prepared for a massive cultural shock once you reach Rwanda. So make sure you pack an open mind and spirit.

Items to pack

  1. International Drivers Licence so you can hire vehicles.
  2. International vaccination certificate
  3. A decent torch in case of power cuts
  4. A camera/camcorder to prove you've been up close to gorillas
  5. A debit/credit card so you can withdraw cash
  6. A copy of your passport in case you lose the original
  7. Medicines to treat tummy bugs and travel sickness
  8. Anti-malaria pills
  9. A sunscreen to protect against sunburn
  10. A good insect repellent - mosquitoes are rife
  11. A medical kid containing the basics
  12. A good pair of walking boots for your jungle treks
  13. Dark coloured clothes, so you remain discreet when watching gorillas in the mist
  14. Long sleeved tops/trousers to protect yourself from mosquito bites
  15. Lightweight clothes to keep you cool under the scorching sun
David Debrincat
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