Top places to discover.
For a stay in Georgia of twelve months or less, Europeans don't need a visa. When you enter the country, the customs officers will check that you have sufficient means of payment to cover the length of your stay and that you have taken out travel insurance.
You are strongly advised not to go to the separatist areas of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
For more information, see the government website.
Canadian citizens do not need visas for stays of less than 90 days.
Before travelling to Georgia, it is important to take out health and repatriation insurance.
No vaccinations are compulsory but check that you are up to date with routine vaccination courses and boosters as recommended in the UK.
There are hygiene measures which need to be taken, for example, only drink bottled water, wash your hands regularly and particularly before each meal.
The phone dialing code is +995
There are numerous cyber-cafés in the cities and the connections are quite good. The hotels usually have Wi-Fi or at least have a connection.
British Embassy in Georgia
51 Krtsanisi St
Tbilisi 0114
Embassy of Georgia in UK
4 Russell Gardens
London W14 8EZ
Emergency number (Police, fire brigade, hospitals, ambulances): 112